InnerCity Church of Christ
"Saving Souls With A Servant's Heart "
Matthew 20:28 "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve"

Contact Our Elder
For Christian Counseling
Eric Antonio Lorick was added to the Body of Christ at Metropolitan Church of Christ in May of 1991 after being taught the gospel by Brother Kevin Bethea, Minister of East Baltimore Church of Christ. He was among a core group of brothers and sisters who in 1995 became the Church of Christ in East Baltimore. Eric often credits his mentor in the Gospel Elmer Sembly, Jr for his method of teaching the Gospel “simple enough so a child would understand”.
His ministry work in the Lord's service includes Elder, Deacon, Bible class teacher for adults, young men, and premarital counseling. Eric served as Christian Life Minister 2012-2014, Elder 2006-2012 and Deacon 1997-2001 at the East Baltimore Congregation. He is currently a Minister at the InnerCity Church of Christ, Baltimore a work planted in 2014 by the East Baltimore Church of Christ. Brother Lorick has spoken at the Churches of Christ Mid Atlantic Lectureships, Gospel Meetings, and conducted workshops throughout the brotherhood. Eric’s service in Christ includes, being part of the coordination team leaders for the 2019 Mid-Atlantic Churches of Christ Lectureship.
He received his AA degree in Bible Studies from the Northeast Baltimore Bible Institute and College, with an emphasis in Christian Counseling, and is also a graduate from Sunset International Bible Institute External Studies.
Brother Lorick retired in 2004 from AT&T/Lucent Tech after 31 years of service. The Lorick’s also owned the first Church of Christ Christian Bookstore in the Northeast from 2009-2016.
In 2024 Eric and his wife Andrea will celebrate 50 years of marriage, that has blessed them with two adult children Erica Gross and Joseph Lorick. The Lorick’s welcome their first great grandchild in 2023 and enjoy the company of their five grandchildren as well.
June 12, 2023 Brother Eric Lorick was ordained an Elder of Inner City Church of Christ.